Secrets, Lies & Chat - a novel by Vena McGrath
Authors Den Where Authors and Readers Come Together
Welcome to my personal web site!
Here you can perhaps learn a bit about an ordinary life in Australia, past and present, in Sydney in particular, through the
eyes of someone who has lived here all of her life.
I decided to do this web site for no particular reason actually. I stumbled upon it one night when I was bored, looking
for something to do to keep me occupied. I have a cousin who has a web site but she has a reason to have one, she is a line
dance choreographer and teacher. My son has one for his business, again a reason for having one.
Then I decided to
give it a try. It's another step for me in my quest for knowledge about the internet and what it actually has to offer and
how to use the various options available. Whilst I use a computer for my job, it's in the main utilising the wordprocessing
package, other programs to do with spreadsheets, organisational charts, data bases etc. Very little of my time involves actual
internet access, although I have that privilege with my position and use it when I need to source information for my
business group.
So this is it. Very basic so far, but maybe in time I can pull it all together into something vaguely
interesting. Mind you I started the site in 2001 with an enthusiastic burst and then I moved on to other things and
forgot about it, returning now and again when I thought about updating as the mood inspired me at the time.
This is my haven, my home. Unfortunately the driveway doesn't look like this now after about 20 years since this was
taken. It's a typical Australian suburban home in the middle size range I guess. 3 bedrooms, ensuite to main + walk-in wardrobe,
lounge, dining-room, kitchen, breakfast area, family room, study, family bathroom and laundry. Also an inground saltwater
pool, 10m x 4m solar heated.